koululla oli vappujuhlat. Siellä oli kilpailuja: KykyKake- eli Talent-kilpailu,
värikkäästi pukeutumisen kilpailu ja luokkienvälinen ratakilpailu. Oppilaskunta
ja 5B pitivät herkkutoria. Sieltä pystyi ostamaan muffinssia, mehua ja karkkia.
Siellä oli myös onnenpyörä.
Noora herkkutorilla:
Meidän luokan Mira voitti
värikkäimmän asun palkinnon.
Janna, Laura-kissa ja Mira
Siinamari- ja Sanna-ope eli Peppi ja Viileä Venla.
oli ranskalaisia ja kalanugetteja. Jälkiruuaksi oli munkkia ja simaa. Suomessa
munkit ja sima on perinteistä vappuherkkua. Myös nakkeja ja perunasalaattia
syödään vappuna.
Emma ja Teemu (+ope)
We had a party at school before the first of May. We
had competitions such as Talent, an outfit competition and a competition
between classes. We had a bazaar with treats as well. We could buy muffins,
juice and sweets there. There was a wheel of fortune at the bazaar as well.
There were a lot of different acts in the Talent
competition e.g. gymnastics, singing, dancing and acting. Anna-Petra from our
class won the competition. She played “Leena Hefner omaa sukua Herpeenluoma”
who is a character from a famous Finnish comedy TV show called “Putous”. Girls
from the 5th grade were the second with a gymnastic act. Matti from
the 1th grade was the third with a friendship song. Mira from our class won the
most colourful outfit prize.
We ate fish and chips at the school canteen. We had doughnuts
(munkki) and ‘sima’ (a drink) for dessert. They are traditional May Day treats
in Finland. We also eat sausages and potato salad on the May Day.
Written by Emma, Teemu and the teacher